Saturday, December 24, 2011

Upcycled T-shirt Blanket

I finally finished one of my little lady's Christmas presents. A t-shirt blanket I have been promising to make her for a couple years now! I started it when she turned 3, it is made of some of her favorite onesies she wore between newborn to 2 years of age. It includes the sweet onsies my parents, sister, husband and I made for her before she was born. I cut out squares from the onsies, then used an old t-shirt of my husbands to tie them all together, then I sewed the back of it, which is just a cute blanket I bought a thrift store for $1. It is not perfect, but I hope she loves it. I know I do, as I was sewing it together, it brought back memories of her in each of them.. Aaaah why does time go by so fast, I want it slow down..

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