Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Deer Dear, Lysol, outsmarted by a phone

Here's to new beginnings, and backing up your photos, and not "syncing" everything on your smart phone, and to lysol wipes!

1.  If you know me, you know I don't buy paper towels, I don't buy paper napkins and I clean mainly everything with Mrs. Meyers Lavender All Purpose Cleaner.  Yes, because it is better for the enviroment, but also I am a bit frugal.  I use towels spray the cleaner on and wipe evrything down, I even use it to mop!  Well, I broke down and bought these because of all the germs my kids bring back from school and daycare. I must confess, I love them, so convenient!

2.  I recently purchased a fancy new smart phone, so smart it outsmarted me!  It synced all my google accounts including picasa.  I deleted the picasa album off my phone so it would free up space and it also deleted the online album!!!  This is why my ENTIRE blog has the stupid exclamation marks instead of all my family memories, super sad face.  Lesson learned, upload pics from PC not from Picasa.  But really, you would think the phone would have popped up a warning of sorts????!!!

3.  My sister and I recently opened up an etsy shop,Hola Dear Deer, with our handmade goods. We both have full time jobs and have been working to increase the inventory, keep checking back for more! Also, keep up with us on facebook.

1 comment:

  1. I still feel bad for you...two years gone. But at least you still have the pics!
