Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Birthday Weekend.

Another great one. Yes, it was. Dinner with friends and family, road trip to the Texas State Fair in Dallas, lots of eating, fun rides, drinks, and the aquarium. Dare I say we actually enjoyed ourselves in Dallas??!! Well, Chicken seems to think so, she keeps commenting on how nice Dallas was. Don't worry Houstonians this won't last long! Topped off the weekend with a Monday night show - METRIC!!!!! Heck yes, it was a good one, spent with the my closest friends & family. The only way to do it.



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Komen Breast Cancer Walk

A special one this year, it seems each year we have more family members join. It is always a very emotional walk, seeing pictures of dear ones that lost their battle to breast cancer, and equally emotional to see the survivors cross the finish line.

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Whew September!

What a busy month it was, between family birthday parties, which were many, H having multiple events here and here on Sat & Sunday's during the month, my sis and I finding some time to sew for an art show we were vending at, preparing for Piggy's 2nd birthday party, it was jam packed. Add to it that I started some extra hours at a school district working with special services providing physical therapy to kiddos, along with my normal job... well, I'm happy for calmer days coming up!

Here are some pics I snapped on the times I remembered to pack my camera, which happens more and more rarely these days!